Health Professions Advising Office (HPAO)
University of Mississippi

Kelli Hutchens

Educationphoto of a student and advisor sitting across the desk together with a computer screen between them while the advisor gestures to information on the screen.

BS in Psychology, Ohio State University

MA in Education Policy and Leadership: Higher Education, University of Maryland


Professional experiences/national organizations

Board Member, Southern Association of Advisors for the Health Profession (SAAHP)

Member, National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions (NAAHP)


Faculty/Staff Advisor forKelli Hutchins is standing with a student in her congratulations on acceptance into professional school

  • American Medical Student Association (AMSA)
  • Pre-Physician Assistant (Pre-PA) Society
  • Pre-Med Peer Mentoring Organization (PPMO)
  • Pre-Students of Osteopathic Medicine Association (Pre SOMA)
  • Jackson Free Clinic Health Ambassadors
  • Ole Miss Pre-Veterinary Club
  • Additional advisor for Minority Association of Pre-medical Students


Kelli has two children, a boy and a girl, and loves to attend the group fitness classes on campus and spend time outside with her family. Prior to UM, Kelli was the Advising Program Coordinator for Pre-medicine, Pre-health & Science Advising at Penn State University and a committee letter writer (putting that English minor to work). Previous to Penn State, she worked in Biology advising and helped start a First Generation Living Learning Community at University of Kentucky. Kelli is passionate about helping students find and show their passion,  pushing students out of their comfort zone, and helping them become the best applicant they can be to professional school.